Breakout IV: Exploring CISE REU Site Opportunities for S-STEM Students: S-STEM & REU Site PI Networking
- Jamie Payton (Temple University)
- Rebecca Shearman (National Science Foundation)
The goal of the NSF S-STEM program is to enable low-income, talented domestic students to pursue successful careers in promising STEM fields. Undergraduate research is often included as an integral, funded component of S-STEM programs. The goal of this session is to connect S-STEM PIs with REU Site PIs to explore potential partnerships for recruiting, including, and supporting computing-focused S-STEM students in CISE REU Site programs. Following an overview of the goals and potential benefits for such partnerships, REU Site PIs and S-STEM PIs will be able to connect in breakout rooms to find out more about shared interests and potential collaborations.
- S-STEM+REU Northeast/Mid-Atlantic
- Jamie Payton (Temple)
- S-STEM+REU Central/Midwest
- Jeff Forbes (NSF)
- S-STEM+REU Southeast
- Rebecca Shearman (NSF)
- Thomas Kim (NSF)
- REU+Campus Offices
- David Wilson (UNCC)
- REU+BPC Orgs & Resources
- REU+REU Collaborations
- Jie Wu (Temple)
- Lazaros Gallos (Rutgers)